Welcome to Transport & Logistics Level 2.

Transport Economics focuses on the basics of transport economics and the relationship between effective transport infrastructure and the growth of the economy. In this subject you will learn how the transport industry and transport services work in SA. Therefore, you will learn:
1. The different categories and modes of transport
2. what governments responsibility is to provide a properly regulated and well-functioning transportation system
3. how transport fits into the economy in terms of its size and make-up
4. Who the market players are in the transport industry
5. What the impact of competition and international trade is on the transport systems
6. what the non-economic role and function is of transportation
7. and what the historical development of transport infrastructure is in SA.

As part of your journey, you will also learn how to:
1. identify & solve problems in the transport environment
2. work as a team
3. time management and self-organisation
4. collect, analyse, organise and evaluate information
5. effective communication
6. apply your knowledge and skills in the workplace.

In order to succeed in this course, a keen interest in Transport & Logistics need to be cultivated, as well as:
1. good communication, reading and writing skills
2. attention to detail
3. numeracy skills
4. hard work and dedication to your studies.

The Transport & Logistics Team at Atlantis Campus wish you all the success and hope you would enjoy your learning experience here at West Co