Welcome to Transport & Logistics Level 2.

Freight Logistics is a practical subject that applies to South African economy and supply chain. Therefore, this year we will deep-dive into transport & supply chains which will include looking at:
1. The structure of a freight logistics organisation
2. What are the responsibilities of a Freight Logistics organisation
3. What are the outputs, operations and various departments
4. Why and how the transport industry is important
5. What are the career opportunities within the industry.

As part of your journey, you will also learn how to:
1. identify & solve problems in the transport environment
2. work as a team
3. time management and self-organisation
4. collect, analyse, organise and evaluate information
5. effective communication
6. make decisions that are impactful to others and the entire supply chain
7. apply your knowledge and skills in the workplace.

In order to succeed in this course, a keen interest in Transport & Logistics need to be cultivated, as well as:
1. good communication, reading and writing skills
2. attention to detail
3. numeracy skills
4. hardwork and dedication to your studies.

The Transport & Logistics Team at Atlantis Campus wish you all the success and hope you would enjoy your learning experience here at West Coast College.